Chabad Center Banner Partner.png 

Dear Friends,

Please consider becoming a Partner of the Chabad Center of Sudbury by joining our Monthly Chai Club and becoming a partner in our work and in our future. Hundreds of people are touched, inspired and helped by the Chabad Center of Sudbury year- round and it only happens thanks to your support.

The Chabad Center of Sudbury is a very non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing an open and meaningful culture of community, education, support, and joyful Jewish Life to the Sudbury area community regardless of financial ability or background or affiliation. We do not have a membership fee but being that we are 100% supported through voluntary contributions we encourage you to consider supporting our vital educational, social and cultural programs.

Whether you attend Chabad of Sudbury regularly or seasonly or perhaps you have obligations elsewhere but would like to see our work grow and succeed in the community, then the "Partnerships" is a great way of showing us your support and enabling us to succeed. You can now opt to become a  voluntary "Partner" of Chabad of Sudbury at a level that works for you and you will thus help play a crucial role in the success of our programs and impact on the community.

While any form of contributing is appreciated, the Partnership option via the Chai Club helps Chabad of Sudbury in a very unique way as it grants us the gift of consistency. 

All "Partners" will be recognized annually and receive special Partner perks.

Thank you for your consideration and thank you for investing in the Jewish future of the Sudbury area!

100% of the proceeds of donations or payments will benefit Chabad of Sudbury and the work that we do in the community.

Our Federal Tax ID is 42-1705694 

Yours Truly,

Rabbi Yisroel Freeman 


First Name    Last Name

 Address   Email 1


 City/State/Zip  /  /   Email 2
 Home Phone   Marital Status
 Work Phone   Anniversary Date /  /
MM / DD / YYYY format
 Work Fax      


In our effort to make the Partnership Opportunity a possibility for families of all income levels, Partnership Opportunities have been designed within a wide range. However, if you are capable, please consider participating at a higher level. This will allow us to cover our expenses and continue to expand our programs, services and long term goals. All Partnership gifts can be made in one installment or in 12 monthly installments. Please check the option of your choice. 
Chabad Life Partner $1,000 Monthly - $12,000 Yearly
Chabad Platinum Founder $500 Monthly - $6,000 Yearly
Chabad Platinum Partner $360 Monthly - $4,320 Yearly
Chabad Sapphire Partner $250 Monthly - $3,000 Yearly
Chabad Diamond Partner $180 Monthly - $2,160 Yearly
Chabad Gold Partner $150 Monthly - $1,800 Yearly
Chabad Silver Partner $100 Monthly - $1,200 Yearly
Chabad Bronze Partner $62.50  Monthly - $750 Yearly
Double Chai Supporter $36  Monthly - $432 Yearly
Supporter $25  Monthly - $300 Yearly



Payment Method:

  Credit Card
 Check is in the mail  
Optional Comments:
  Please charge my:  

I wish to pay the full annual donation
I wish to pay 12 Month Installments
You will be charged at the beginning of each month.
Begin payments on:


  Card Number:
  Exp. Date      CVV Code:



    Partnership Total Amount:

    Total Amount to be charged today: